Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Is it really July?! As you can tell from the pictures, Michael made it to London (where he'll be studying for the month) and Max & I made it to Minnesota to my parents house! Everyone is enjoying quality face-to-face time: Max to my parents & vice-versa and Michael to Big Ben! (Is that a big clock or what?) I'm so thrilled that our little guy is getting some extended time with my parents. The last time they saw him was in the NICU (Dad) and a week before Thanksgiving (Mom). Max will meet his Uncle Chris (and honorary Aunt Dana) next Monday for the very first time, as well as see Aunt Becky again (first time since Thanksgiving). Needless to say, he's a MUCH different boy since then! We miss Michael already, but he's got an exciting month ahead- including a visit to the Guinness Brewery in Ireland a week before his birthday. How cool is that?! (Hopefully he'll blog more about his adventures, as will we!)

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