Thursday, November 13, 2008

Early Intervention

We had a meeting with Early Intervention today at our house. It has been determined that due to being a preemie, Max qualifies for the program. Basically what will happen is that a physical therapist will come to our house once a week (or more or less if we choose) to work with him, in addition to four massage therapy sessions over the next year. The therapist will work with him to strengthen not only muscles, but his overall development as well.

The evaluator checked many different areas (i.e. reflexes, vision, overall demeanor, etc). She was quite impressed with how he follows our faces/eyes/voices and his neck strength. She seemed to think he's on track for his adjusted age, but will only benefit from extra help. The service plan will be set up within the next two weeks and then we'll start scheduling appointments.

Tomorrow is Max's first synagis shot. This is the shot that will help his body fight off RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and other viruses, should he run into them. Although he's doing great, his little lungs are still growing and he needs all the protection he can get. The shot is given to many preemies and other high risk babies during flu season, which is November to April in this area according to our pediatrician. One he has the shot tomorrow, he'll have to have one once a month on the same day for the duration of the season. It's an extremely expensive (and necessary!) shot and is thankfully covered by our insurance! In addition to the synagis, Max will also have three two-month shots tomorrow. Mommy is not looking forward to watching her baby poked so many times, but knows it needs to be done. You'd think after the whole NICU experience this would be nothing!

In other news, we're holding up. Michael is still really sore, but such a trooper. The stubborn mule convinced me to let him take Bernie for a short walk after dinner tonight, citing that the doctor said walking would help him heal. I couldn't fight or protect him on that one. He and the Maxster are currently having some father/son time right now- the Penguins game is on! =) And as for me, I'm doing fine- just tired. I'll get plenty of sleep once my boys are healthy, but until then, taking care of them is my #1 priority!


Anonymous said...

You definitely don't want Max to get RSV. That is one nasty bug. And he can only benefit from the PT. I'm glad Michael is healing up. If you have stitches that have to be removed, you will move a lot easier once they're out. Y'all get some sleep now!

Superduke1 said...

So glad to hear that things are moving smoothly as can be expected. Michael's CAT scan is tomorrow right? Totally praying for you guys!


PS I want massage 4 times a week!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi. just wanted to let you know that i'm sitting in your living room typing this on mike's computer. kinda weird that i have to let you know this way, but you're asleep. anyway, we just wanted to let you know that you're out of beer. you should probably take care of that.

make sure you sleep in tomorrow.